Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/205

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An Empty Glass.
"And when thyself, with shining foot shall pass
Among the guests star-scattered on the grass
And in thy joyous errand reach the spot
Where I made one . . . turn down an empty glass."
Stanza LXXV.

Dramatis Persona—
Hortense Terry - Once a trained nurse.
Mabel Frere - Trained nurse.
Max Arnold - Barrister.
Rose Arnold - His wife.

Scene I.

[Hortense Terry, seated alone in sitting-room of a Woman's Club. She is a tall, handsome woman, elegantly dressed. She paces the floor restlessly, then takes up a pen to continue some correspondence. Throws it down suddenly and recommences pacing to and fro.]

Yes! yes! I knew life had its deserts, dry,
Waterless, and wracked by fierce simoons.
I never thought to pine in one myself,
To feel its searing winds upon my heart,
So long beneath the palm trees have I dwelt
Hearing the ripple of a living stream