Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/210

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An Empty Glass.
They say that's why he—oh! at any rate
She takes the nursing in the day—insists—
And will not have another nurse. I knew
The work would fall on me. You know how 'tis,
You dare not trust them, and you work and work,
And then neuralgia gripped me, and for days
I've just been crazy, and I must have sleep,
And Emmie Grey—I rang her up, she said
She'd come and take him for me till my head
Was better. Now the wretch! what shall I do?
The doctor will be savage too, I know,
He's such a fidget, and he will not have
A nurse who is a stranger, and it seems
That all his own are fully occupied.
This influenza raging everywhere—
I got him to consent to Emmie Grey;
Altho' he never saw her, he has heard
About her, and he said that she would do.
I rang her up, she said she'd meet me here
At three, and take it on, and now—and now——

Oh hush! you whining woman, listen now,
With all your ears. [Aside: My heart! 'tis only death!