Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/229

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An Empty Glass.
"Oh dearer, dearer than the ruddy drops
That visit my sad heart———"But what? How cold!
And pulseless! God above me! What is this?
Dead! Max, my lover. No! he would not, could not die
And leave me lonely here. You know he loved me. Max!
Look up, and speak! No!No! for he is dead.
A mightier hand than mine has loosed the knot,
And I have lost him. Over the steep rim
That fences in the living he is slipped
Into the silence of the great abyss,
And my wan voice shall echo through the world
Forever without answer. Life and love
Still surge within my heart, and on my lips,
And his are sealed to silence and decay.
And when thyself with shining foot shall pass—
Turn down—turn down—turn down—an empty glass.

[Falls fainting.]