Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/42

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Love is Best.
Such days are o'er—brave days they were; yet life hath still some treasure
That may be won, by those who will to forfeit ease and pleasure.
You cannot buy my love with gold, nor with high power and station,
I have them all—and light they weigh, in my soul's estimation.
Yet I would fain that he to whom I give myself for ever,
In bonds that neither Time nor Death itself shall dare to sever,
Should have from Life some laurels won, have laid some claim to Fame,
And carved on History's ample breast the letters of his name.
There is no war in this new land, no field for brave endeavour
To right the wronged, to free the slave, and win renown for ever,
Yet Fame hath still some prizes left to give to those who love her,
There are great tasks to overcome, new countries to discover;