Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/53

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Miss Lintlocks.
Miss Lintlocks sleeps, and her tiny palms
On the grasses lie uncurled;
She is locked in a deep, sweet, childish sleep,
Unspotted from the world.

My little bud in the sunny grass!
My maid with the lint-white locks.
God keep thy feet from the toils, my sweet,
From thorns and bruising rocks!

I could see thy life in a mist of grief,
I could bear thou should'st suffer pain,
But I pray my breath may be held in death
Ere I see thee with spot or stain.

God keep thine ears for the whispering leaves,
Thine eyes for the bright sun-scroll,
While thy heart is free for their ministry
I'll fear not for thy soul.