Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/56

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Live Close to nature.
Live close to Nature, lean thou on her breast,
She hath repayment, she hath help and rest.
Thy day so poor, so meagre planned by fate,
Take it to her and she will compensate,
         Stores deep and vast
         That will outlast
The heaviest drain thy famine need can make
She hath, and in her fulness thou thy thirst can'st shake.

This loud incessant clamour in thine ears,
Life's myriad voices, laughter, shrieks, and tears
Drown them in her sweet silence, steep thy soul
In those rich spaces where the planets roll
         Their rhythmic swing
From æon unto æon, while they fill
The populous vault with silence thou too can'st be still.

Live close to Nature; when thy sudden thought
All shuddering pauses, knowing thou art nought
A breath—a vapour, when the warm live "me"
So late rejoicing, sees Eternity
         A breathing space,