Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/61

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Two Ways of Love.
The dove, that wrapped in happy slumber lies
In every woman's nature, fluttered wings
For instant flight, and through the intimate
And quiet corridor of every vein
The message of the gods was flashed in flame,
And then I knew I loved him. Long ago!
A whole long hour, when I was but a girl.
And when mine eyes became my own again
I lifted them to watch him as he went,
And saw him turn to where my cousin stood,
A lily in her glimmering silken robe,
Her face, set like a cameo, beneath
The dusky coronet of hair, her hand,
Unjewelled save with its own loveliness,
Outstretched in greeting. Adrienne!
I, watching, with my very soul aflame
With this new passion, saw their glances meet,
And knew, Oh! God, have pity! knew by all
The new-born intuitions of my heart,
By every nerve that quivered in response,
I knew they loved each other, and I think
I almost cried aloud as when a child
I cried in passionate amaze at pain.
For I was young, you see, an hour ago.