Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/67

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Two Ways of Love.
No, never dreamed for half an instant, that
He, too, my darling brother, loved her too.
And oh! the useless irony of it,
The twisted tangle, every thought a knot,
And every knot compounded of such pain,
I cannot, cannot bear it!

Scene III.
Adrienne's sittingroom. Adrienne waiting. Enter Tom.
I sent for you.
I knew that you would come.
I wished to tell you, Tom—won't you sit down?—
What I intend to do. Perhaps you know—
You surely must have seen that I——

Tom (harshly)—
What is it that you mean? You wish to say
What Nellie, in some idiot mood, implied
That you and Phillip, are, she said, in love——

I mean to marry Phillip, that is all.
But understand. I mean to marry him!