Page:Poems Stuart.djvu/70

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Who has wronged me? Man who all earth has wronged:
Who has mocked me? Man, who made mock of God.

Chorus of First Women.

    Nay, what do you seek?
    If of men we be chained,
    Our chains be of gold,
    If the fetters we break
    What conquest is gained?
Shall the hill-top outspread a pavilion more safe than our palaces hold?

    Without toil we are fed,
    We have gold to our hire,
    We have kings at our thrall,
    And made smooth is our bed
    For the fools of desire.
We falter the world with our eyelids, at our laughter men scatter and fall.

    What is freedom but danger,
    And death and disaster?
    We are safe: Fool, to crave
    The unknown, the stranger!
More fettered the back than the burden; man bows; he is slave to a slave!