Page:Poems Taggart.djvu/137

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The waves melodious flow the same,
The joyful birds still wake the song,
The morn and evening gales still breathe
Their balmy odors pure along.

The flowery landscape blooms as fair,
The foliage waves as graceful now,
As when each breezy breath of air
Fanned fragrance o'er this peaceful brow.—

Gone are the bright, the rosy smile,
The raptured bosom's thrilling glow,
The peace, the joy, that breathed the while,
Soft as the warbling music's flow.

Where calmly spreads the embowering shade,
That oft this form hath gliding traced,
When laughing joy and pleasure strayed,
And innocence and peace embraced,

Still nature wears her sweetest charms;
And wooingly each loved retreat
Seems opening, as affection's arms,
The long expected guest to meet.

Far from each bright, each flowery scene,
In solemn silence now reclined,
No hope, no joy, no smile serene,
Revives this blighted form and mind.