Page:Poems Taggart.djvu/59

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Long since, I watched the sun go down,
Far in the vermil west;
And lingering viewed his latest beam,
Till the fair evening star's first gleam
Shone in the misty east;

Then sought the stilly couch at night
With sweet repose and calm delight,
While fancy's soft aerial flight,
In milder gleams of magic light,
Shed peace upon my breast.

Soft slumber's downy arras received
My sinking form, and sweet relieved
The pleasing task of thought,
  Whilst the gay dream's
  Unfettered themes
The brain's freed fibres sought.

Or, deeper in the placid night,
I watched the flickering northern light,
Or gliding meteor's bound.
Or saw the fair Moon slow ascend
Her radiant height, while stars attend
At humble distance round;—

Or viewed the silvery hill and dale,
While the sweet night airs plaintive wail
Through gilded branches of each tree,—
Or moan in concert with the sea.
And sigh along the ground.