Page:Poems Taggart.djvu/69

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No more, dear Sisters, hand in hand,
Beside the placid stream,
At eve we wander pensively
By Luna's silver beam.

No more in musing mood we stray
Along the winding shore,
And list the music of the waves,
Where mingling surges roar;

Nor haste, in joyous ramble free,
Through flowery fields and fair,
Where vermil blooms delightingly
Wave in the sportive air;—

Where lucid streamlets rippling flow,
The shadowy vales among,
And Zephyr, flitting o'er each bough,
Wakes the aerial song.

No gayly tinted beauties now,
From the wild brake's recess,
These cold, emaciate hands convey
In blooming loveliness.