Page:Poems Thaxter.djvu/171

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Who the names of the performers call
  Truly, one and all?
Blue-bird, bunting, cat-bird, chickadee
  (Phœbe-bird is he),
Swallow, creeper, cross-bill, cuckoo, dove,
  Wee wren that I love;
Brisk fly-catcher, finches—what a crowd!
  King-bird whistling loud;
Sweet rose-breasted grossbeak, vireo, thrush—
  Hear these two, and hush;
Scarlet tanager, song-sparrow small
  (Dearer he than all;
At the first sound of his friendly voice
  Saddest hearts rejoice),
Redpoll, nuthatch, thrasher, plover gray—
  Curlew did I say?
What a jangling all the grakles make!
  Is it some mistake?
Anvil chorus yellow-hammers strike,
  And the wicked shrike
Harshly creaks like some half-open door;
  He can do no more.