Page:Poems Toke.djvu/223

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He will then be a rock to me,
And raise my head again,
And I will pour my soul in prayer,
And bless and praise Him then.

Hear me, my God, to Thee I cry,
And when I hear that word,
"Seek ye My face," my heart replies,
"Thy face I'll seek, O Lord."
Return, return! oh, be not wrath,
For Thou my help hast been;
Forsake me not, nor leave me now,
Till I Thy face have seen.

When father, mother, all forsake,
Then Thou, Lord, wilt uphold;
Teach me Thy way, make plain my path,
And lead me to Thy fold.
Oh'! did I not hope still to see
Thy goodness here below,
Long since my fainting soul had sunk,
Oppressed with care and woe.

Wait on the Lord! oh, wait, I say,
His righteous, holy will
Then He will prove thy strength and shield,
And guard and guide thee still.


October 6, 1833.