Page:Poems Welby.djvu/157

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Is bliss indeed, yet it but serves to strengthen
The love that now amounts to agony;
This is our last farewell, our last fond meeting;
The world is wide, and we must dwell apart;
My spirit gives thee, now, its last wild greeting,
With lip to lip, while pulse to pulse is beating,
      And heart to heart.

Farewell! farewell! our dream of bliss is over,
All, save the memory of our plighted love;
I now must yield thee to thy happier lover,
Yet, O remember, thou art mine above!
'T is a sweet thought, and, when by distance parted,
^T will lie upon our hearts a holy spell;
But the sad tears beneath thy lids have started,
And I—alas! we both are broken-hearted—
      Dearest, farewell!