Page:Poems Welby.djvu/90

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I almost think the humming of thy wing
Must be the merry echoes of thy heart;
For what if other birds have happier voices?
Thou need'st not care—thy very wing rejoices.

Child of the sunshine! bird of summer hours!
Brief is thy life, yet happy as 't is brief,
For thou wilt pass away when bloom-touched flowers
Are fading from the green earth, leaf by leaf;
I envy thee, for when the things we cherish
Are withering round, 't is meet with them to perish.

Here thou may'st banquet till the first faint gleams
Of twilight wander o'er the face of day,
Wooing our spirits to the land of dreams;
Then on a sunbeam thou wilt flit away;
But, at the earliest dawn of morning's hour,
I'll welcome thee again unto my bower.