Page:Poems White.djvu/83

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To sit up comfy in your chair.
And sister has a scrap-book, too,
With pictures that are bright and fair;
She said she'd fixed it all for you.
And I have saved for a long time
Fine colored glass and shells and sweets.
Oh! do get well; you're looking fine;
And then we'll give you all our treats.
Good-bye, I'll have to hurry out;
They must not see me, but you know
I had to see you, or I'd shout,
And that would make your fever grow."

The father came and lit the light;
Annette called him and whispered low;
He kissed her lips and held her tight,
And just as he began to go
Said, "Nurse, whenever you must leave
The room, be kind enough to close
The door. This message to them give,
That Anne is in a sweet repose."

And when this girl was safe and sure,
The father's face shone in the street;
His friends were glad for this great cure,—
'Twas such good news for them to greet.
One friend brought her a flax-haired doll
For taking all the doctor gave;
Another gave a pretty shawl.
