Page:Poems by Cushag.djvu/78

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ON a fine summer day the misthress would say:
"Them windies is scandalous mucky,
"But if Kitty an' you will agree to consent
"For to clane them, we'll think ourselves lucky!"
It wasn' the work we was wan tin' to shirk
When the windies was goin' a rubbin',
But feelin' the saf' on each side of the pane
To be watched by the other gel scrubbin'.

An' still an' for all, there wasn' no call
For Kitty to stan' on the lather,
When Johnny an' me had agreed to consent
For to go for to clane them togather,
So "Kitty," says I, "'Tis time for to thry
"For to go for to polish them windies,
"An' the misthress," says I, "Says 'Jus you be spry
'"An' not to be makin' no shindies.'"

For Kitty an' me was used for to be
The wans that was doin' the clanin',
Not like in them houses in towns where you're took
If out of the windie you're lanin',
But "Kitty." says I, " I'm thinkin'," says I,
"Of them berries you're wantin' to gather.
"An'safeter,"says I, "When a mansarvant's by
"For him to be out on the lather."