Page:Poems by Ellen Russell Emerson.djvu/13

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“ Life, bear that cup away,” - HO “ Oh, for the Song of Birds,” 84 The Blushing Rose, _____ 80 The Secret, 02 Song, 04 The Forsaken Boat, - - - - - 00 Night Shade, ------- 00 Buried, - -- -- -- - 101 Life, 103 Lost, - -- -- -- -- 105 Boquet, - -- -- -- - 100 To love entire and true, - . - - - 111 The Beacon of the Sea, - - - - - 112 “ Grow Ivy, Grow,” ------ 115 u Return to me,” - - - - - - 117 Rosaline, - - - - - - - -119 The Sculptor, 122 My Mother’s Smile, ------ 100