Page:Poems by Frances Fuller Victor.djvu/37

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Then she asked with such a smile

As a seraph's face might wear,

If she watched a long, long while,

She should see her mother there,

Walking in the groves so fair?

When, to answer her, I said

She should see mamma in heaven,

Lightly to the bridge she sped

As if wings to her were given,

And—but look, you see 'tis riven.

Ah, you start!—your look is wild!—

Calm yourself, old man, I pray;

Lucy was no earthly child,

And 'tis well she's gone away

To her Paradise so gay.

TO M——

Do thy chamber windows open east,
Beloved, as did ours of old?
And do you stand when day has ceased,
Withdrawn through evening's porch of gold
And watch the fading flush above
The hills on which the wan moon leans,
Remembering the girlish love
That blest this hour in other scenes?