Page:Poems by Frances Fuller Victor.djvu/48

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Each one as all its fellows green,
Alternating with dimpling dales,
And meadows silvered with the sheen
Of rippling grass, that like the sea
In billowy swells moved bright and free.

"From out this emerald waste there came
One soft spring eve, two women dear,
Who ran to me, and called my name,
And kissed my cheek, with many a tear,
As we had sisters been, whose ways
Long parted, here together drew;
I gave the loving Father praise
Who brought them every danger through,
And granted me to see a face
Once more of my own sex and race."

"One moment: tell me why were you
Apart from others of your kind."
"The church appointed us to view
The wilderness, and somewhere find
A spot to found a mission. Here
We fixed our post; and here we taught
The blessed word from year to year."
"And found your teaching come to naught?"
"Ah, who shall say? We kept the faith;
Fought the good fight, for life or death."