Page:Poems by Frances Fuller Victor.djvu/64

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I brought you beauty—but your boys invade
My woman's realm of love with girlish airs;
I brought high gifts, and powers to persuade,
To charm, to teach, with your philosophers.
But knowledge is man's realm alone, you hold,
And I who am your equal am cast down
Level with those who sell themselves for gold—
A crownless queen—a woman of the town.

Ye vain Athenians, know this, that I
By your hard laws am only made more free;
Your unloved dames may sit at home and cry,
But, being unwed, I meet you openly,
A foreigner, you cannot wed with me;
But I can win your hearts and sway your will,
And make your free wives envious to see
What power Aspasia wields, Milesian still.

Who would not be beloved of Pericles?
I could have had all Athens at my feet,
And have them for my flatterers, when I please,
Yet, one great man's great love is far more sweet
He is my proper mate as I am his—
You see my young dreams were not all in vain—
And I have tasted of ineffable bliss,
If I am stung at times with fiery pain.