Page:Poems by Robert Louis Stevenson, Hitherto unpublished, 1921.djvu/159

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(Samoan period, 1890-1894)

This page of verse, unfinished though the poem is, has a very personal charm both in the actual picture that it presents (Stevenson, abed, in the forest storm, listening to the early symphony of the birds), and in showing the thoughts that stirred him despite "the merry piping." Though repining was not his way, his letters often indicate his longing for that Scotland which he was never to see again; and here, after the note of tropic beauty has been struck in the initial portion of his poem, he evokes the picture of the far-away Highlands with their "old plain men," and their "young fair lasses." And as cut off from all the activities and interests of his former life he reflects on the remoteness of the secluded island from which he can no longer fare, the great forests seem to him mere "empty places," mocked at not only by life but even by death.

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