Page:Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips.djvu/148

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96 'Poems on feveral Occajîons.

VII. All Honour fure I rauft pretend,

All that is Good or Great 5 She that would be Rofanias Friend,

Muft be at leaft compleat. If I have any Bravery, 'Tis caufe I have fo much of thee.

VIII. Thy Leiger Soul in me (I13II lie, And all thy Thoughts reveal} Then back again with mine (hall Aie*

And thence to me (hall fteah Thus ftill to one another tend 5 Such is the facred Name of Friend.

IX. Thus our Twin-fouls in one (hall grow,

And teach the World new Love, Redeem the Age and Sex, and fliew

A Flame Fate dares not move : And courting Death to be our Friend, Our Lives together too (hall end.

X. A Dew (hall dwell upon our Tomb

Of fuch a Quality, That fighting Armies, thither come,

Shall reconciled be. We'll ask no Epitaph, but fay ORlNT>A and RQSAN1A,