Page:Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips.djvu/233

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Toems on fever a I Oeeajions. i3r

Tis braver much t' out- ride the Storm, Endure its Rage, and fhun its Harm-, Affliction nobly undergone, More Greatnefs (hews, than having none. But yet the Wheel, in turning round, At laft may lift us from the Ground 5 And when our Fortune's moft fevere, The lefs we have, the lefs we fear. And why (hould we that Grief permit, Which can nor mend nor (horten it> Let's wait for a fucceeding Good, Woes have their Ebb as well as Flood :

And fince the Parliament have refcud you,

Believe that Providence will do fo too.

A Triton to Lucafia going to Sea, Jhortly after the QUEEN'S Arrival.


MY Mafter Neptune took fuch Pains of late To quiet the Commotions of his State, That he might give, through his fierce Winds and Seas, S ifc Partage to the Royal Tortuguezey That e'er fince at home has kept, And in hisChryftal Palace flepr,

i ill a fwift Wind told him to day

A Stranger was to pafs this way,

N 3 Whom