Page:Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips.djvu/245

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That so he may his Beams confine
In Complement to you.


But if of that you do despair,
Think how you did amiss,
To strive to fix her Beams, which are
More bright and large than his.

Lucasia and Orinda parting with Pastora and Phillis, at Ipswich.


IN your Converse we best can read,
How constant we should be,
But 'tis in losing that, we need
All your Philosophy.


How perish'd is the Joy that's past,
The present how unsteady?
What Comfort can be great, and last,
When this is gone already?


Yet that it subtly may torment,
The Memory does remain;
For what was, when enjoy'd, Content,
Is, in its absence, Pain.