Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/132

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For the vast widowed, orphaned host this deed
Burdens the state withal ?


Oh excellent !
This is the crown of folly, topping all !
Forgive me, Prince, when I gain breath to point
Your comic blunder, you will laugh with me.
Patience — I '11 draw my chin as long as yours.
Well, 't was my fault — one should be accurate —
Jews, said I ? when I meant Jews, Jewesses,
And Jewlings ! all betwixt the age
Of twenty-four hours, and of five score years.
Of either sex, of every known degree,
All the contaminating vermin purged
With one clean, searching blast of wholesome fire.


Christ, disgraced, insulted ! Horrible man.
Remembered be your laugh in lowest hell,
Dragging you to the nether pit I Forgive me ;
You are my friend — take me from here — unbolt
Those iron doors — I '11 crawl upon my knees
Unto my father — I have much to tell him.
For but the freedom of one hour, sweet Prior,
I’ll brim the vessels of the Church with gold.