Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/179

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To happiness ! life was too beautiful —
That was the dream — how soon we are awake !
Ah, we have that within our hearts defies
Their fiercest flames. No end, no end, no end !


God with a mighty hand, a stretched-out arm,[1]
And poured-out fury, ruleth over us.
The sword is furbished, sharp i' the slayer's hand.
Cry out and howl, thou son of Israel !
Thou shalt be fuel to the fire ; thy blood
Shall overflow the land, and thou no more
Shalt be remembered — so the Lord hath spoken.
[Exeunt omnes,


Within the Synagogue. Above in the gallery, women sump,
tuously attired ; some with children by the hand or infants
in their arms. Below the men and boys with silken scarfs
about their shoulders,


The Lord is nigh unto the broken heart. [2]
Out of the depths we cry to thee, oh God !
Show us the path of everlasting life ;
For in thy presence is the plenitude
Of joy, and in thy right hand endless bliss.

  1. 1 Ezekiel zx. 33; xxi. 11-32.
  2. Service for Day of Atonement.