Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/228

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Thus went Donna Clara dreaming,
On the ground her eyes were fastened.
When she raised them, lo ! before her
Stood the handsome knightly stranger.

Pressing hands and whispering passion,
These twain wander in the moonlight,
Gently doth the breeze caress them.
The enchanted roses greet them.

The enchanted roses greet them,
And they glow like Love's own heralds.
" Tell me, tell me, my beloved,
Wherefore all at once thou blushest ? "

" Gnats were stinging me, my darling.
And I hate these gnats in summer
E'en as though they were a rabble
Of vile Jews with long, hooked noses."

" Heed not gnats nor Jews, beloved,"
Spake the knight with fond endearments.
From the almond-trees dropped downward
Myriad snowy flakes of blossoms.

Myriad snowy flakes of blossoms
Shed around them fragrant odors.
" Tell me, tell me, my beloyed,
Looks thy heart on me with favor ? "