Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/239

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" Towards her door sprang Ben Jehudah,
Donna Zara flew behind him
Round his neck her white arms wreathing.
Drew him from the burning chamber.

"There within, her sister Zillah
Stirred no limb to shun her torture.
Held her mother's hand and kissed her.
Saying, ’We will go together.’

"This the outer throng could witness,
As the flames enwound the dwelling,
like a glory they illumined
Awfully the martyred daughter.

" Closer, fiercer, round they gathered,
Not a natural cry escaped her.
Helpless clung to her her mother.
Hand in hand they went together.

" Since that ' Act of Faith ' three winters
Have rolled by, yet on the forehead
Of Jehudah is imprinted
Still the horror of that morning.

" Saragossa hath respected
His false creed ; a man of sorrows,
He hath walked secure among us.
And his art repays our sufferance."