Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/94

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In Savoy, Piedmont, round the garden Bhorea
Of tranquil Leman, down the beautiful Rhine,
At Lindaa, Costiutz, SchaShauseu, St. Gallen,
Everywhere torture, smoking Syuago^es,
Carnage, and burning flesh. The lights shine out
Of Jewish virtue, Jewish truth, to star
The sanguine field with an immortal hlazoo.
The venerable Mar-Isaac in Cologne,
Sat in his house at prayer, nor lifted lid
From off the eacred text, while all around
The fanatics ran riot ; bim they seized,
Haled through the streets, with prod of stick and
Fretted his wrinkled fiesh, plucked his white beard,
Dragged him with -gibes into their Church, ajid held
A Cracifix before him. " Know thy Lord I "
He spat thereon ; he was pulled limb from limb.
I saw — God, that I might forget ! — a man
Leap in the Loire, with his fair, stalwart son,
A-bloom with youth, and midst the stream nn-sheathe
A poniard, sheathing it in his boy's heart.
While he pronounced the blessing for the dead.
" Amen !" the lad responded as he sank,
And the white water darkened as with wine,
I saw -- but no I Ton are glutted, and my tongue,