Page:Poems of Sentiment and Imagination.djvu/45

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Light that sometimes shines upon it
Finds it deep, and pure, and cold;
And the starry gleam reflected,
Leaves no bosom secret told.
In my spirit's depths are hidden
Treasures gathered from all life:
Pearls of thought, and gold of feeling,
Moveless with the current's strife.

In life's lively panorama,
Looking for what is to be,
We forget to note the present
Ere the changing phantoms flee;
But as clouds by tempests driven
Scatter rain-drops as they fly,
Many golden sands have fallen
Where they must forever lie.

In my heart the silver treble
Of these broken notes of song,
Makes no discord in the music
As it flows in waves along;
For the spirit of my dreaming
Sings me all the missing notes,
And the strain to you so broken
Perfect to my hearing floats.