Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/130

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Poems on
Why thus in Arms, my Prince? send'st thou some Spy
To view the Trojan Host? alas! I fear
Lest the most dauntless Sons of glorious War
Shrink at the bold Design! this Task demands
A Soul resolv'd, to pass the Gloom of Night,
And 'midst her Legions search the Pow'rs of Troy.

O Prince, he cries, in this disastrous Hour
Greece all our Counsel claims, now, now demands
Our deepest Cares! the Pow'r omnipotent
Frowns on our Arms, but smiles with Aspect mild
On Hector's Incense: Heav'ns! what Son of Fame
Renown'd in Story, e'er such Deeds atchiev'd
In a whole Life, as in one glorious Day
This Fav'rite of the Skies? and yet a Man!
A Mortal! born to die! but such his Deeds
