Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/135

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Several Occasions.
Meges the bold, and in the Race renown'd
Oïlan Ajax: To the Ships that guard
Outmost the Camp, some other speed his way
To raise stern Ajax and the Cretan King.
But love, nor reverence to the mighty Name
Of Menelaus, nor thy Wrath, O King,
Shall stop my free Rebuke: Sleep is a Crime
When Agamemnon wakes, on him it lies
To share thy martial Toils, to court the Peers
To act the Men: this Hour claims all our Cares.

Reserve, rejoins the King, for future Hours
Thy generous Anger: Seems the royal Youth
Remiss? 'tis not thro' Indolence of Soul,
But Deference to our Pow'r; for our Commands
He waits, and follows when we lead the way.
This Night, disdaining Rest, his Steps he bent
To our Pavilion; now th' illustrious Peers
