Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/84

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Poems on
'Tis true, you're meagre, pale, and wan,
The Reason is, you're sick for Man.—

While yet it spoke, Ophelia frown'd,
And dash'd th' Offender to the ground;
With fury from her Arm it fled,
And round a glitt'ring Ruin spread;
When lo! the Parts pale Looks disclose,
Pale Looks in every Fragment rose;
Around the Room instead of one,
An hundred pale Ophelia's shone;
Away the frighted Virgin flew,
And humbled, from herself withdrew.

Ye Beaux, who tempt the fair and young,
With Snuff, and Nonsense, Dance and Song;
Ye Men of Compliment and Lace!
Behold this Image in the Glass:
