Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/163

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The British Enchanters.

If Hell has Pow'r, both Passions I will please,
My Anger and my Love shall both have Ease.
Lead on, Magician, make Revenge secure,
My Hand's as ready, and shall strike as sure.

[They go off

Oriana and Corisanda appear entring from the lower Part of the Scene.

Ori. Thrice happy they, who thus in Woods and Groves,
From Courts retir'd, possess their peaceful Loves.
Of royal Maids, how wretched is the Fate,
Born only to be Victims of the State,
Our Hopes, our Wishes, all our Passions ty'd
For publick Use; the Slaves of others Pride.
Here let us wait th'Event, on which alone
Depends my Peace, I tremble 'till 'tis known.

Cor. So generous this Emperor's Love does seem,
'Twould justifie a Change, to change for him.

[Flourish of Musick as in the Forest.

Ori. Oft we have heard such airy Sounds as these,
Which in soft Musick murm'ring thro' the Trees,
Salute us as we pass——

Cor. The Air we breathe sure is inchanted Air.

[They listen, looking about as surpriz'd.

H 4