Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/165

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The British Enchanters.

Cor. Sure some Magician keeps his Revels here:
Princess retire, there may be Danger near.

Ori. What Danger in such gentle Notes can be?
Thou Friend to Love, thrice-pow'rful Harmony,
I'll follow thee —— Play on ——
Musick's the Balm of Love, it charms Despair,
Suspends the Smart, and softens ev'ry Care.

[Exeunt, following the Musick.

Arcalaus enters, with an Attendant, observing them.

Arcal. Finish the rest, and then be free as Air:
My Eyes ne'er yet beheld a Form so fair.
Happy beyond my Wish, I go to prove
At once, the Joys of sweet Revenge and Love.

[Exeunt following.

Enter Amadis and Florestan.

Amad. Mistake me not ——— No, Amadis shall die,
If she is pleas'd, but not disturb her Joy.
Nice Honour still engages to requite
False Mistresses, and proud, with Slight for Slight.
But if, like mine, the stubborn Heart retain
A wilful Tenderness, the Brave must feign,
In private grieve, but with a careless Scorn
In publick, seem to triumph, not to mourn.

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