Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/198

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The British Enchanters.

Some Hope there is that you may change your Mind;
Madam, you have not always been unkind.

Ori. Some Whirlwind bear me from this odious Place,
Earth open wide, and bury my Disgrace;
Save me, ye Pow'rs, from violence and Shame,
Assist my Virtue, and protect my Fame.

Arcal. Love, with Submission first begins in Course,
But when that fails, a sure Reserve is Force:[Aside.
The nicest Dames, who our Embraces shun,
Wait only a Pretence, and Force is one:
She who thro' Frailty yields, Dishonour gains,
But she that's forc'd, her Innocence retains:
Debtors and Slaves for Favours they bestow,
Invading, we are free, and nothing owe.
No Tyes of Love or Gratitude constrain,
But as we like, we leave, or come again,
It shall be so——
Since softer Arguments have prov'd so vain,
Force is the last——Resist it if you can.

[Seizes her, she struggles and breaks from him.

Ori. Help, help, ye Gods!

Arcal. Who with such Courage can resist Desire,
With what a Rage she'll love when Raptures fire!
Behold in Chains your vanquish'd Minion lies,
And if for nothing but this Scorn, he dies.
