Page:Poems written during the progress of the abolition question in the United States.djvu/110

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Great speech at our democrat gathering, when
Abolition was working its way with the men?

Alack and alas! that we live to relate
How these Amazons gathered together,
Consulting each other, in solemn debate,
About loosing the slave from his tether;
And gravely resolving your negroes to be
Created like all of us—equal and free.

But think not, dear sirs, that with conduct so base,
'The democracy' rested in quiet—
No—it rose in its strength to redeem from disgrace
The town, by a regular riot!
And, surrounding the house where the mischief went on,
Plied well the 'fanatics' with brickbat and stone.

Through door and through window our missiles went in,
Disturbing the laces and trimming—
Oh, would that 'our dear southern brethren' had seen
How 'democracy' pelted the women!
And had heard, midst the crashing of brickbats, its shout—
'Hurra for the Union!—you women, clear out!'

Yet, it grieves us to say, that in spite of our great
And most patriotic exertion,
These petticoat-traitors regarded our feat
As merely a cause of diversion;