Page:Poet Lore, volume 28, 1917.djvu/526

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floor, and said to us: “Just wait, you will learn very soon who is the master here and what lies in store for you.”

Kralenec.—What else?

Veverka.—That was all. He went away just like Lucifer flying off on his broomstick, . . . and left us in silent gloom.

Tonicka.—But, Veverko, you surely do not take his threats seriously? I was thinking,—Heaven only knows what,—and here it is nothing but a little tavern gossip. And you, you scarecrow, you are all a-tremble, and even want to drive other people crazy! (Walking off to make the bed.)

Veverka.—Listen, Mrs. Kralenec,—I really am no fanatic, . . . that I have proven to you countless times,—and then, a foolish woman . . .

Tonicka.—Well, well!

Veverka.—I just wished to add, . . . only an inexperienced woman would say that such remarks mean nothing. That damned, Heaven forgive me, . . . he would not have dared, . . .

Tonicka.—And why is that Merfajt soured against the whole world?

Veverka.—Why? The Director told him what was what when he discovered his trickery in the contract for the Lazecky factories . . .

Rokos.—That was when he should have been driven out.

Veverka.—Yes, what a pity! We might now be having peace.

Skarban.—Now, Merfajt will have a chance to pay him back.

Veverka.—And our boys gave him a good beating one night, that was when he used to keep the path worn to the house of Beta Markalousovic. So now he is seeking revenge wherever he can find it.

Kralenec (To Rokos).—But, Uncle, do you think we need have any serious concern over his threats today?

Rokos.—There may be something in it.

Veverka.—You shall soon see, you shall all know very soon, Mrs. Kralenec! And do you know what they say? Old Rozum came from his chess-game, . . . there he heard, . . . I don’t know where it was started, . . . that our Superintendent will be exchanged, . . . sent somewhere to Austria where our company has other mines, and that we shall have an entire change in the management here!

Kralenec (Looking at Rokos).—We would surely have some thing to say about that?