Page:Poet Lore, volume 28, 1917.djvu/548

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were crazy! And that worthless Merfajt is conducting everything! They are waiting for you! And you will tell them?

Kralenec.—Exactly what you did! I will not give in!

Rokos, Trnka.—(In a chorus) Good! Good! Bravo! Bravo!

Kotora (to Trnka).—What did I tell you?

(All shake hands with Kralenec.)

Rokos.—At first they only talked about laying off, but now they are going to dismiss us permanently. But they don’t seem to realize what they are hatching up for themselves. There is a mass-meeting at the tavern. The women are becoming aroused, and are running to the chancery. It seems that Merfajt has refused them admittance, so they are going to force it.

Kotora.—Evil may arise from this!

Rokos.—It certainly will. First, all work will be suspended. That will be the first trick.

Schulze (With his broken accent).—Yes, yes, the first thing. And to the Cech and German alike, it means the same thing. Since they are cutting our wages and driving us all away, we must all stand together.

Rokos.—Let us hurry now. They are already on the lookout for unemployed men. And that good-for-nothing, drunken Brouzda, they have already taken in! We must take a stand against such injustice! Our places must not be filled by others!

Kralenec.—They shall not!

Rokos (To Kralenec).—And when will you give them your answer at the chancery?

Kralenec.—I am going over now.

Rokos.—Then go, brother. In the meantime, we will be in the tavern, talking things over. Come over there after us!

Kralenec.—I will come! (Rokos, Trnka, Schulze, and Kotora leave.)

Scene X

Kralenec, Tonicka, later Bozenka, Ruzenka, and Pepicek.

Tonicka.—Look at that Rokos! The worthy man is entirely changed! I have never yet seen him so fired by anything!

Kralenec (Getting ready to leave).—Give mymy cap! I am going. They will make a mess of things there at the chancery. I have all my life been longing for the chance to have a hand in