Page:Poet Lore, volume 28, 1917.djvu/553

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Kralencova.—For Heaven’s sake! What kind of crazy talk is this!

Tonicka (Looking out of the window).—-They are here! They are all here!

Kralenec (Seizes his wife by the hand).—Tonicka, are you prepared for the worst?

Tonicka.—I am!

Kralenec.—Even probable hunger and want?

Tonicka.—With you, I am ready for anything!

Kralencova (Interrupting).—Vojtech! Tonicka!

Kralenec.—And now, in the winter, if they should drive us out, could you stand an aimless wandering in the snow?

Tonicka.—With you, I can share anything!

(Kralencova, wringing her hands.)

Kralenec (Kissing his wife, affectionately).—Tonicka! (With a firm voice.) Then let them come!

(The roar of the crowd is drawing nearer, from the window a number of miners may be seen. They are gazing toward the window while they excitedly gesticulate and talk. Enter Merfajt and Pivousek.)

Scene XII

Merfajt and Pivousek

Merfajt.—Good day!

Kralenec (Holding Tonicka by the hand).—Peace to you, Mr. Superintendent!

Merfajt.—Mr. Scheidler and I await your answer.

Kralenec.—I was just about to leave for the chancery. Our mother at that moment arrived. (Pointing to his mother.)

Merfajt.—Then I will save you a trip. I am going to the tavern where there is riotous gathering of the miners. Do not join them, Kralenec! The former director promised to make you a surveyor! We will make that promise good.

Kralenec (Slowly).—For that I surely ought to be grateful. The former superintendent, (with stress on the word superintendent,) would surely have kept his word.

Merfajt.—We will keep our promise also. But it must be understood that you will obey our instructions.

Kralenec.—Allow a cut of thirty cents in wages?