Page:Poet Lore, volume 31, 1920.djvu/31

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Rozmberk (Avoiding an answer).—We were talking. In a minute, we will see each other again.

Hannewaldt (Enters and goes to Rozmberk).—Just another word. King Rudolf directed me—(In surprise he notices Kinský.) Aj, Highest Game Warden!

Kinský (Surprised).—Mr. Hannewaldt!

Hannewaldt (Sarcastically).—Are you through with your affairs?

Kinský (Ironically).—Not altogether. And you—you are returning from your walk?

Hannewaldt.—I was going just now.

Kinský (Sarcastically).—I am greatly pleased to see you again, Master Secretary!

Hannewaldt (Sarcastically).—My pleasure is not less than yours, Highest Game Warden!

Rozmberk (Jestingly and ironically).—And the greatest pleasure of all falls to me, gentlemen, the pleasure of seeing you two together.


A room in front of the private apartment of Rozmberk, from which a door leads to the left; at the right another door leads to the antechamber and the court. In the left corner is a low door concealed in the wall, leading to the room of the alchemist which lies behind the room belonging to Rozmberk. In the rear to the right is a large window leading into the garden.

Scene I

Bilent, Kinský, servant of Kinský and later Zuzanka

(Bilent coming forth from the apartment of Rozmberk; Kinský, taking the letter from the servant, fails to notice Bilent, who vanishes through the secret door.)

Kinský (Opening the letter, alone).—From Matthias,—there is need of haste! (Reads)—"Gain him at any cost. I will pledge myself to fulfill any promise that you may see fit to make. I await your answer with impatience. Matthias." (To himself.) I must make haste so he will not have time to consent to Hannewaldt. This letter gives me even greater freedom, and Hannewaldt must not score a victory now! (Hiding the letter, he