Page:Poet Lore, volume 31, 1920.djvu/66

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to save the life of Polyxena. Take it to save yourself, and remain in hiding at least for a day, perhaps for two, until the wrath of the master has cooled a bit. Someone is coming! (Oldřich, Lukan, and the guards appear in the door at the right. To Lukan.) No longer any need of you. All has been explained. Let him go.

(To Ctibor) Quickly, quickly away from here!

Ctibor (To Polyxena).—May heaven protect you and bring us together again!

Scene XV

Rozmberk, Zuzanka, Ctibor, Polyxena, Lukan, Oldřich, and the guards.

Rozmberk (Entering the door at the right).—What is the game which is proceeding here?

Polyxena, Ctibor, Zuzanka (Together)—The Master!

Rozmberk.—Polyxena, are you here? And why Lukan—and the guards?

Lukan.—The gracious lady sent for us to prevent the mad deed of Chamberlain Ctibor. He entered with an ax. He tried to force an entrance into the room, and threatened the very life of the master.

Rozmberk (Shortly).—Ctibor!

Ctibor (Kneeling before Rozmberk).—I have made a mistake. I believed the report about the death of Polyxena, who is betrothed to me (Rozmberk and the others start) and frantic with despair, I attempted to break into the room to avenge her death. Forgive me, Your Grace, forgive for the sake of my love!

Rozmberk (Calmly and coldly).—Your confession is sufficient. (To the guards.) Take him off to the dungeons, and let the executioner appear at once.

Polyxena (Screams).—Condemned!

Rozmberk.—You have said it.

Polyxena.—Condemned to die!

(Falls into the arms of Zuzanka, Lukan seizes Ctibor)