Page:Poet Lore, volume 8, 1896.djvu/365

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School of Literature.

magic to the detriment of the play? Would it be better, for example, if a love philter was introduced for consistency's sake? (For literary use of the love philter, see Tennyson's 'Lucretius.') Does it reflect against Ferdinand's courage that he was first to quit the ship? (See Rolfe's ' Ferdinand and Miranda,' Poet-lore, Vol. III. p. 190, April, 1891.) Are Miranda's speeches about her grandmother (92, 140) and to Caliban inconsistent with the maidenly innocence assumed to be characteristic of her? Do you consider her talk with Ferdinand (III. i.) in character? Is she undutiful to her father? Unmaidenly in her speedy declaration of love? (65, no.) Should she be represented as ignorant or only innocent of the world? Describe the characters and relations to each other of the lovers from all that is given about them. Compare with Florizel and Perdita in 'The Winter's Tale.'

Topic for Debate.—Are Miranda and Ferdinand undeveloped characters whose relation to each other is more important to the play than they themselves are?

Paper.—The Minor Characters.

Hints:—Which is the most important of the lesser characters and why? Is Gonzalo blamable at all under the circumstances for following the command to turn Prospero and Miranda adrift? Why is Gonzalo of better cheer than his companions? What do you think of his philosophy in itself and as an index to his character? Is his knowledge superior to that of his companions? Does he suspect the evil intent of Antonio and Sebastian? Show how his frankness and loyalty come out in Act III., and how his uprightness is rewarded in Act V. Do you think it significant that he closes the play? Francisco considered as the least important personage in the play: should his speech describing Ferdinand's swimming be given to Gonzalo? (For some attempt to describe Francisco, etc., see 'Notes on "The Tempest,"' Poet-lore, Vol. III. p. 21, January, 1891.) The sailors considered as examples of Shakespeare's skill in outline portraits. Are Stephano and Trinculo more highly developed types than Caliban? Would the play be better if they were left out?

Topic for Debate.—Is Gonzalo more like Polonius in 'Hamlet' or Kent in 'Lear'?