Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/106

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To noble Mordaunt, generous and juſt,
Os his great heart he gives the ſacred truſt.20
“Thy choice,” ſaid he, “ſhall well direct that heart
Where thou, my beſt belov’d, haſt ſuch a part:
In council oft, and oft in battle try’d,
Betwixt thy maſter and the world decide.”
The choſen Mercury prepares t’ obey25
This high command. Gently, ye Winds! convey,
And with auſpicious gales his ſafety wait,
On whom depend Great Britain’s hopes and fate.
So Jaſon, with his Argonauts, from Greece
To Colchos ſail’d, to ſeek the Golden Fleece.30
As when the goddeſſes came down of old
On Ida’s hill, ſo many ages told,
With gifts their young Dardanian judge they try’d,
And each bade high to win him to her ſide;
So tempt they him, and emulouſly vie35
To bribe a voice that empires would not buy:
With balls and banquets his pleas’d ſenſe they bait,
And queens and kings upon his pleaſures wait.
Th’ impartial judge ſurveys, with vaſt delight,
All that the ſun ſurrounds of fair and bright;40
Then, ſtrictly juſt, he, with adoring eyes,
To radiant Eſté gives the royal prize.
Of antique ſtock her high deſcent ſhe brings,
Born to renew the race of Britain’s kings.
Who could deſerve like her, in whom we ſee45
United all that Paris found in three?