Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/114

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Sends from above ten thouſand bleſſings down,5
Nor is he ſet ſo high for ſnow alone;
His beams reviving with auſpicious fire,
Freely we ail enjoy what all admire.
The moon and ſtars, thoſe faithful guides of night,
Are plac’d to help, not entertain, the ſight.10
Plants, fruits, and flow’rs, the fertile fields produce,
Not sor vain ornament, but wholeſome uſe;
Health they reſtore, and nouriſhment they give;
We ſee with pleaſure, but we taſte to live.
Then think not, Mira! that thy form was meant15
More to create deſire than to content.
Would the juſt gods ſo many charms provide
Only to gratify a mortal’s pride?
Would they have form’d thee ſo above thy ſex
Only to play the tyrant, and to vex?20
’T is impious pleaſure to delight in harm,
And beauty ſhould be kind as well as charm.22


Since truth and conſtancy are vain,
Since neither love, nor ſenſe of pain,
Nor force of reaſon, can perſuade,
Then let example be obey’d.
In courts and cities could you ſee5
How well the wanton fools agree,