Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/38

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Of Beauty ſing, her ſhining progreſs view,
From clime to clime the dazzling light purſue,55
Tell how the goddeſs ſpread, and how in empire grew.
Let others govern or defend the ſtate,
Plead at the bar, or manage a debate,
In lofty arts and ſciences excel,
Or in proud domes employ their boaſted ſkill;60
To marble and to braſs ſuch features give,
The metal and the ſtore may ſeem to live;
Deſcribe the ſtars and planetary way,
And trace the footſteps of eternal day:
Be this, my Muſe! thy pleaſure and thy care,65
A ſlave to Beauty, to record the fair;
Still wand’ring in love’s ſweet delicious maze
To ſing the triumphs of ſome heav’nly face,
Of lovely dames, who with a ſmile or frown
Subdue the proud, the ſuppliant lover crown;70
From Venus down to Mira bring thy ſong,
To thee alone ſuch tender taſks belong.
From Greece to Afric Beauty takes her flight,
And ripens with her near approach to light.
Frown not, ye Fair! to hear of ſwarthy dames75
With radiant eyes, that take unerring aims;
Beauty to no complexion is confin’d,
Is of all colours, and by none defin’d:
Jewels that ſhine, in gold or ſilver ſet,
As precious and as ſparkling are in jet.80