Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/44

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Invok’d where’er the Britiſh Lion roars,210
Extended as the ſeas that gird the Britiſh ſhores.
The wiſe immortals in their ſeats above,
To crown their labours, ſtill appointed Love:
Phœbus enjoy’d the goddeſs of the Sea,
Alcides had Omphale, James has thee.215
O happy James! content thy mighty mind,
Grudge not the world, for ſtill thy queen is kind,
To lie but at whoſe feet more glory brings
Than ’t is to tread on ſceptres and on kings:
Secure of empire in that beauteous breaſt,220
Who would not give their crowns to be ſo bleſt?
Was Helen half ſo fair, ſo form’d for joy,
Well choſe the Trojan, and well burnt was Troy.
But, ah! what ſtrange viciſſitudes of fate,
What chance, attends on ev’ry worldly ſtate!225
As when the ſkies were ſack’d, the conquer’d gods,
Compell’d from heav’n, forſook their bleſs’d abodes,
Wand’ring in woods they hid from den to den,
And ſought their ſafety in the ſhapes of men:
As when the winds with kindling flames conſpire,230
The blaze increaſes as they fan the fire,
From roof to roof the burning torrent pours,
Nor ſpares the palace nor the loftieſt tow’rs;
Or as the ſtately pine, erecting high
Her lofty branches, ſhooting to the ſky,235
If riven by the thunderbolt of Jove,
Down falls at once the pride of all the grove,