Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/95

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True to herſelf, and to the public weal,35
No Gallic gold could blunt the Britiſh ſteel.


Not much unlike, when thou in arms wert ſeen,
Eager for glory on th’ embattled green,
When Stanhope led thee thro’ the heats of Spain,
To die in purple Almanara’s plain.40


The reſcu’d empire, and the Gaul ſubdu’d,
In Anna’s reign, our ancient fame renew’d:
What Britons could, when juſtly rous’d to war,
Let Blenheim ſpeak, and witness Gibraltar.44


When Fortune ſeems to ſmile, ’t is then I fear
Some lurking ill, and hidden miſchief near:
Us’d to her frowns, I ſtand upon my guard,3
And, arm’d in virtue, keep my ſoul prepar’d.
Fickle and falſe to others ſhe may be,
I can complain but of her conſtancy.6